About Us
Spectres of Benton County Past is a delightful collaboration between Game Makers at Conundrum House, the members of the Benton County Historic Resources Commission, and our sources around the county without whom this adventure could have been wrought. The creative team at Conundrum House is grateful to be in the company of such passion and historical insight.
Benton County Historic Resources Commission
The Historic Resources Commission consists of seven volunteer members from the Benton County Community. The commission is state-mandated and was created to implement a county-wide historic preservation program (ORS 358.622) which includes:
- Heightening the public's awareness of our historic heritage;
- Coordinating the local program with statewide and federal preservation programs;
- Maintaining a library on historic properties and helpful information on preservation techniques for the public's use at the Benton County Historical Museum; and
- Overseeing the Benton County Register or Historic Resources program.
CLICK HERE to Learn More.

Conundrum House
Conundrum House offers guests and members a place to rent, buy and play tabletop games–both online and in our brick-n-mortar game room & library. We offer a wide variety of games, puzzles and Live-Action Role-Play experiences that are curated for a variety of tastes–mysteries, whodunits, manipulative puzzles (think Rubiks cube or Hanayama puzzles), sci-fi conundrums, spy and espionage themed games, and more. Our game room and events are oriented to serve all ages, and we produce special live events with partner venues. For businesses we offer some very unique team building experiences like a CSI experience where you and your team are charged with solving a murder, using REAL forensic tools and investigative techniques. Visit our website and step into a world of play that's so fun, you could call it criminal.
Visit Our Online Store HERE